Help save Letters and Numbers

2012-07-11 12:11
Roger Hooton
Barossa. SA
L&N website
I, like thousands of other viewers, am waiting for the SBS directors to have the decency and respect to give a TRUTHFUL explanation HERE to us for the cancellation (resting) of Letters and Numbers and to state HERE on this website as to whether L & N will ever come back and if so when. Thank you.
2012-07-11 12:02
Bring it back!
This show has kept young & old alike interested in analytical information & should be kept on the airwaves because of the educational benefits & huge public interest.
2012-07-10 21:21
james h
save letters and numbers
Letters and numbers is the only way to make smart stuff cool! Dont axe it..
2012-07-10 15:36
Susan Kouba
Woy Woy
My comments on SBS website
Very interesting comments from both Christine and Geoff. I also posted my opinion on the SBS website, and it did not appear. Is this a form of censorship? Meanwhile we are being bored rigid by the Tour la Bland; and repeats of Rockwiz are being shown in addition to the new series. Will this be the next pin to drop, I wonder, Australian content seems to be a no no in SBS land
2012-07-10 13:00
Christine Paglino
Thankyou Geoff for your explanation
Thankyou Geoff for your explanation, thank you for your initiative to make this site and the wisdom to realise the SBS website “resting” comments would eventually disappear - it is greatly appreciated.
2012-07-10 11:50
Geoff Bailey
Newtown, Sydney
Re. Comments on SBS site
Christine: The comments on the SBS site are associated with the episode being commented on. For the time being they can be seen by selecting Past Episodes and finding the appropriate one (the most prolific thread being that for episode 450).

In due course, however, those episodes will no longer be part of the backlog and the comments associated to them will no longer be visible. That is part of the reason why I set up this site: So that everyone could leave feedback that would continue to be visible.
2012-07-10 10:15
Christine Paglino
Where are all of our earlier statements on the SBS site?
SBS please return Letters and Numbers comments on the Letters and Numbers SBS web site.
2012-07-09 21:42
Jock B.
Letters and Numbers
The only show where you are not veging out in front of the TV; it's hard work trying to beat Lily or David.
And the only game show where the loser wins the prize - a dictionary.
What a sad day to be losing Letters and Numbers.
Please bring it back.
2012-07-09 16:50
Roger Hooton
Barossa. SA
L & N website and repeats
Thanks Geoff about telling us the SBS are now showing the repeats from programme 1. I just checked the SBS L & N website and they are now showing the same from programme 1 so anyone can now view whenever they like. Hopefully a few comments will make them re-think about bringing the programme back at 6pm.
2012-07-09 16:13
Jocelyn K
Eltham, Victoria
Letters and Numbers
I cannot understand why L & N has been taken off. Our whole family watch it together and love the show. PLEASE bring the show back!!